Annual report

A word from our General Director
- 2020 turned out to be a special year. We’ve learned a lot, but perhaps the most important lesson has been that cooperation beats isolation, now more than ever.
Reciprocity is one of our core values and a guiding principle. A reciprocal partnership implies that everyone both contributes and benefits from the relationship.
Exchange in a year of change
The opportunities provided by digital aids are too valuable, to be content with the world as it used to be.
Together with our partners, we have changed they way we are cooperating.
A year of change for Norec
In 2020 Norec and our partners took a giant digital leap. We adapted quickly, and within a few weeks after the pandemic hit, all our operations were up and running online. This transition has improved Norec´s capability of delivering better digital services – beyond the time of the pandemic.
In a year when physical exchanges became impossible overnight, 64 out of 70 Norec partnerships managed to continue their cooperation in new and innovative ways. Norecs main priority was to ensure that we could continue key activities in the partnerships. They way they handled it impressed us!
We understood the value of long-lasting cooperation. We saw partner organisations step up and help each other: either by supplying protective gear or exchanging experiences to overcome challenges. It was so inspirational!
We had 700 participants on exchange when the pandemic hit. Our training team had already in april fully digitalized our homecoming trainings. We have trained 101 participants this year. Even though digital trainings can never be a full replacement for normal trainings, it has become an important supplement for Norec.
We have embraced all the digital possibilities. All our trainers have increased their digital competencies, and we are rcreated an online learning management system. This will be launched on January , and it will be an important communication channel for our partnerships.
We organized and hosted our first webinars. One of them was filled to the brim-more than 100 people registered to learn about diversity management. We’ve also taken part in many other webinars this year-to show how exchange makes a difference.
We met with 40 new potential partners that didn’t see the pandemic as a stop to exchanges – but were inspired to start exchanging knowledge and staff when the world once opens up again.
During 2020, we’ve showcased Norecs method of mutual exchange. As a center of competence, we have contributed to ten evaluations of international projects – made by international NGOs and multilateral organisations. We have alos been highlighted as Partner of the Month at UNs South-South Galaxy.
For the first time ever Norec is offering digital exchanges – who said exchanges had to be only physical? For 2021 we have already received 58 applications. We can´t wait to see them get started.
We have been delegated a really exciting task for 2021. Starting on April 1, Norec will fasilitate the recruitment of Norwegian experts and trainees to the UN system and other international organisations. We are very excited!
Watch our highlights here
Norec – a Centre of Competence
Norec is a Centre of Competence for international exchange. We create and share knowledge about exchanges with potential partners and sister organisations, allowing us to contribute towards improved results from exchange cooperation.